مُا عَدَّه عُلَمَاءُ العَرَبِيَّةِ قِسْمًا برَأْسِهِ عَلَى المُسْتَوى النَّحْويِّ والتَّصْرِيفِيِّ

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


الأستاذ المساعد في قسم اللغويات بکلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية للبنات ـ جامعة الأزهر فرع بني سويف جمهورية مصر العربية


يرکِّز هذا البحث على ما نصَّ عليه علماء العربية بأنَّه (قِسْمٌ بِرِأْسِه)؛ وذلک من خلال توضيح غامضه، وشرح مبهمه، ولمّ متناثره، وجمع متفرقه، وبسط مجمله، ووصفه وصفا علميًّا دقيقًا، طالما أنَّه قد جرى ذکره على ألسنتهم، وتکرَّر وروده في کتبهم، وأسَّسوا عليه کثيرًا من أحکامهم، وعوَّلوا عليه عند تأصيل العديد من المسائل النَّحوية والتَّصريفيَّة، واحتجُّوا به عند توجيه القراءات القرآنية الکريمة، والأحاديث النَّبوية الشَّريفة، وصرَّحوا بأهميته عند تقويه ما علموه قويًا، أو تضعيف ما رأوه ضعيفًا، وکان معيارا مهمًّا عند طرح مسائل الخلاف، ومناقشة ضرائر الشِّعر، وتمييز الأصل من الفرع، والمفرد من المرکب، وما هو ظاهر الدّلالة وما هو خَافٍ... وقد تلخَّص الجهد المبذول لهذا البحث في التَّعريف بما عدَّه علماء العربية قسمًا برأسه، وتوضيح حقيقته، والقيام بجمع أهم مسائله، وعرض أبرز قضاياه، ودراسة ما أدلى به النَّحويون من آراء، ومناقشة ما لديهم من شواهد، وتحليل ما نصوا عليه من علل، وبيان ما انتهوا إليه من نتائج ...
وقد جاء هذا البحث في مقدمة وثلاثة مباحث، المبحث الأول عنوانه: (حقيقة ما عدَّه النَّحويون قسمًا برأسه)، المبحث الثَّاني: (المسَائل النَّحويَّة)، المبحث الثالث: (المسائل التَّصريفيَّة)، وخاتمة فيها أهم ما انتهى إليه البحث من نتائج، والَّتي منها:
أنَّ فعل الأمر قسم قائم برأسه، والأزمنة: ماض وحال ومستقبل کل واحد منها قسم قائم برأسه، و(هو) ضمير منفصل قائم بنفسه، وکل من الضمير المتصل والمنفصل أصل قائم برأسه، ليس أحدهما فرعا عن صاحبه، والتَّثنية قسم برأسه مخالف للواحد والجمع، والمنادى ـ وهو معرفة بالإقبال عليه والقصد والخطاب ـ قسم برأسه من أنواع المعارف، وکل واحد من المرفوعات: من مبتدأ وخبر وفاعل ونائب فاعل... أصل برأسه، والخبر في نحو: (زيد أمامک) أو (زيد في الدار) قسم برأسه، واسم (کان) مستقل برأسه، و(کان) الشانية قسم برأسه، و(لکنْ) المخففة أصلٌ برأسه، و (اللام) الفارقة قسم برأسه، وکلّ من (إنَّما)، و(أنَّما) أصل برأسه، وتقديم المفعول على الفاعل قسم برأسه، وصيغة المبني للمفعول أصل برأسه، و(واو) (مع) قسم برأسه، و(بيد) و(غير) کل واحد منهما أصل برأسه، و کلٌّ من السببية والتعليل أصل برأسه، و(رُبَّ) قسم برأسه، و(مذ) قسم برأسه، وبدل الغلط قسم برأسه، و(مهما) اسم برأسه...وغير ذلک ممَّا يراه القارئ الکريم تلميحا أو تصريحا
وصلى الله وسلم وبارک على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما کثيرا.
This research focuses on what Arab scholars have stated that it is (a section headed). This is through clarifying its ambiguity, explaining its ambiguity, its scattered plural, its sporadic collection, broadening its entirety, and describing it as an accurate scientific description, as long as it was mentioned in their tongues, and it was mentioned repeatedly in their books, and they based on it many of their judgments, and they relied on it upon establishing many grammatical issues They used it as evidence when directing the noble Qur’an readings and noble prophetic hadiths, and they declared its importance when strengthening what they taught strong, or weakening what they saw as weak, and it was an important criterion when posing issues of dispute, discussing the evils of poetry, distinguishing the origin from the branch, the singular from the compound, and what It is the apparent significance and what is feared ... The effort exerted for this research was summarized in identifying what the Arabic scholars counted as a section by its head, clarifying its truth, collecting its most important issues, presenting its most prominent issues, studying the opinions of the grammarians, and discussing the evidence they have. And analyze the reasons they stipulated, and explain their results ...
This research came in an introduction and three sections, the first topic entitled: (The truth of what the grammarians considered a section with its head), the second topic: (Grammatical issues), the third topic: (Disciplinary issues), and a conclusion in which the most important results of the research, the one from which :
That the action of the command is a division based on its head, and the times: the past, state, and future of each one of them is a division with its head, and (it) is a separate pronoun existing by itself, and each of the connected and separate pronoun is based on its head, neither of them is a branch of its owner, and Deuteronomy is a division of its head contrary to the one and the plural And the caller - which is knowledge of the demand for it, the intention and the discourse - is divided by his head from the types of knowledge, and each one of the promotions: from a beginner, a reporter, an actor and a deputy actor ... origin with his head, and the report is in the manner of: (Zaid in front of you) or (Zaid in the house) divided by his head, and the name (He was) independent with his head, and (was) the Shania divided by his head, and (but) the dilute one was originally by his head, and the differentiating (lam) was divided by his head, and each of (but), and (but) the origin of his head, and the effect of the subject is divided by his head, And the accusative form of the accusative is an origin with its head, and (Waw) (with) is divided by its head, and (by) and (not) each one of them has an origin with its head, and each of the causal and reasoning is an origin with its head, and (Lord) is divided by its head, and (since) a division With his head, and instead of the mistake, he divided his head, and (whatever) a name with his head ... and other than what the honorable reader sees as a hint or statement
May Allah's blessings, peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.

الكلمات الرئيسية